Book Publishing Services

A Business Fame Lead Generation book is a professionally printed softcover book that is used for lead generation for your business.  As a short 50-100 page Q&A format pocket guide, the book that answers the questions your perfect prospect wants to ask, is afraid to ask, and doesn’t know how to ask.

We offer several types of Business Fame books:

Interview Conversation Book, $3000

  • Content is written in a conversational interview format
  • Book content derived from a 30-minute interview from a list of standard questions
  • Printed size 5″× 8″ with approximately 30 pages
  • Book cover selection from provided samples
  • Available for sale online
  • Available in print and ebook formats
  • Includes testimonials from clients
  • Includes your bio and branding
  • Full author credit on Amazon
  • Amazon Author Central Profile setup
  • 100% of all royalties as paid to you from from sales of your book
  • 25 physical copies of book
  • Sample book here

Ask the Expert Book, $4500

  • Written in Q&A Format
  • Book content derived from a 60-minute interview from a list of customized Frequently Asked Questions by your target market
  • Printed size 5″× 8 with approximately 60 pages
  • Book cover selection from provided samples
  • Available for sale online
  • Available in print and ebook formats
  • Includes testimonials from clients
  • Includes your bio and branding
  • Full author credit on Amazon
  • Amazon Author Central Profile setup
  • 100% of all royalties as paid to you from from sales of your book
  • 50 physical copies of book

Click the thumbnail image below for sample book.

One Problem, One Solution Book, $7000

  • Format includes Q&A as well as Benefits, Misconceptions, Mistakes, Tips & Checklists Sections
  • Book content derived from a 60-minute interview from a customized book outline
  • Printed size 5.5″ x 8.5″ with approximately 90 pages
  • Printed and digital versions available
  • Custom cover designed
  • Available for sale online at Amazon in print and digital versions
  • Includes testimonials from clients
  • Includes your bio and branding
  • 100% of all royalties as paid to you from from sales of your book
  • 50 physical copies of book

Click the thumbnail image below for sample book.







Done-For-You Licensed Books, $3500

We grant you the license to use and put your name on one of our pre-written books. All the books are in the Ask the Expert Q&A format.

To customize the book for you, we add:

  • Your testimonials
  • Your bio and branding
  • Cover design from cover templates with a title you choose personalized with your headshot and logo
  • 50 physical copies of book

Click here for specific industries offered.

Compilation Books, $997 and $1497

Your transcribed interview will be published in a chapter of one of our compilation books, Expert Profiles ($997) or Raising the Bar ($1497).

Publication in one of these books includes:

  • Your Own Chapter
    Your own chapter and title featuring you as a Contributor (formatted as a transcribed interview)
  • Call To Action
    Call to action printed at the end of your chapter (next action you want the reader to take)
  • Contact Info
    Your contact information, bio, and photo with your interview chapter.
  • Published As Print And Kindle Versions
    Book available as both print and Kindle versions for sale on Amazon
  • Online Marketing Images
    12 images created of the book cover for online marketing.
  • Print Copies
    10 print copies of your book shipped directly to you
  • Discounted Pricing
    Discounted pricing on additional copies of the book ($7.00 each plus shipping) Retail cost $19.99 — 60% savings!)
  • Business Innovators Radio
    Release of audio interview on Business Innovators Radio, (Distribution to IHeartRadio, Stitcher, Spreaker, iTunes, BlogTalk Radio, and YouTube)
  • Social Media Graphic
    Social media graphic to promote your interview
  • National Media Release
    National Media release to national affiliates of ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox about your book release
  • Sample Expert Profiles book here

Raising the Bar Includes the Following Extras:

  • Your Own Chapter With Author Credit
    Your own chapter and title featuring you as a Contributing Author (formatted as a transcribed interview)
  • Amazon Author Central Profile
    Amazon Author Central account set up and book added to your Amazon Author library.
  • Recognition as a Best-Selling Author on Amazon
  • National Media Release of Best-Selling Author Status
    National Media release to national affiliates of ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox about becoming a best-selling author
  • Sample Raising the Bar book here

Additional Services

  • Author Media Kit, $797
  • Lead magnet for book opt-in offer $599
  • Amazon Best Seller Campaign, $1597