Marketing Strategist Lisa Almeida Offers Tips On Nurturing Relationships Through Email Marketing

Biz Smart Media congratulates Lisa Almeida, best-selling author featured in the new book, The Little Book of Big Marketing Ideas: Get More Customers, Increase Sales, and Make More Money, which reached number one on the Amazon Best Seller lists in the Kindle store categories of E-Commerce, Web Marketing, Direct Marketing, Computers & Technology and High Tech Businesses, as well in the Amazon book categories of Business & Management, Direct Marketing, and Web Marketing.
In this best-selling book, Lisa Almeida, Marketing Strategist, offers tips on nurturing trusting relationships with ideal clients through email marketing. Almeida notes, “It may not be the most glamorous kid on the marketing block, but amid the ever-expanding sea of shiny new marketing methods, email marketing still stands strong as a powerful, tried and true tool for cultivating trusted relationships. when it’s properly implemented.”
Almeida adds, “No matter what you do, you do it with people. If you want people to see the value of diverting some of their hard-earned cash your way, you’ll need to win their confidence. Because as cliché as it may sound, it still holds true that people do business with folks they know, like and trust. One of the best ways to gain a prospects trust is through email marketing.”
Almeida began her entrepreneurial journey in 1995 when the owner of the specialty toy store where she had worked part-time brought her to the New York Toy Fair. In her words, “The concept of business as a conduit for manifesting life purpose hit me with full force and it changed my life.” She soon bought that toy store, doubling gross revenue and tripling net revenues in the first year; largely due to her instinctive marketing skills.
In August of 2007 she created the marketing services company, Planit Production, to pursue her passion for helping others profit from their passion. She is most fulfilled helping holistic business owners use email, blogging and social media in concert to create profitable relationships. She offers private coaching, consulting and done-for-you services and is also the founder of My Holistic Village and the National Holistic Chamber of Commerce.
To learn more about Almeida, visit:
The Little Book of Big Marketing Ideas: Get More Customers, Increase Sales, and Make More Money, is available on at: